Friday, April 5, 2013

Around the Barnyard

It has been awhile since everyone got to see the animals around the homestead, so I thought I'd share some of the spring happenings with you.

She sure does love the camera (just look at those bulges!). 03.25.13

A very pregnant Tallia. She is even bigger today (4.05) however it is raining so I can't go take new pictures outside. 03.25.13

Tallia has still not kidded. She is due by Monday, as the latest average. After that, she will officially be "overdue." Hopefully it won't reach that point, the poor gal is huffing and puffing as it is. The weather is supposed to get nasty on Monday and Tuesday, so that is probably when she'll kid. :p

She is extremely lovey-dovey while she is pregnant. I hope it will stay this way, but probably not.

Healed up very nice! 03.25.13

Damsel (the Great Dane) is a much happier girl these days. After she got stitched up she got a huge bulge of fluid just above the wound. It took about 2 full weeks before it finally started oozing the fluid out, having re-opened a stitch or two (just enough to release the build-up) and is now pretty much healed. You can see the little section there that is a bit red, that is where she oozed.

Claudius and Paws are taking a break from all the gals. 03.25.13

Claudius and Paws (the Basset Hound) are just Claudius and Paws. Nothing really new with either of them. Paws was barking at the chickens today, out of the blue. No idea why, but I yelled at him. We can't have dogs barking at the chickens or they won't lay eggs.

Doo-to-dooo. Just walking along here, claiming my territory. 03.25.13

Claudius will be a much happier goat when/if we are able to get sheep fence up around the entire acreage so that he can run the 35 acres that Whiskey currently has run of on her own. Huck did get the uppermost strand up this past weekend, so we'll be getting Ruger and putting him in the pasture permanently (unless or until he figures a way back into the herd, the turd).

"Why are you taking pictures of my ladies? Huh?!? Huh?!?!" The D.I. has gotten an attitude since spring arrived. Little turd. 03.25.13

The chickens all made it through the winter! Hooray! I'll be buying an egg incubator this weekend so we can incubate 10 eggs. We were hoping to use a broody hen, but alas, none are displaying any broodiness so we have to do it on our own. We only want 5 more layers, so we are doing 10 with the hope that no more than half with be cockerels. Those ones will become dinner very quickly. We have an old tin shed laying down on it's side out there (that the wind randomly changes position of twice a year - it's very odd) and Huck said we'll stand that up, get it staked down and use it for the brooding house. Can't do the chicks inside this year since we no longer have a "vacant" room. I'm glad. Damn dusty birds. We also have a leaky water troft to use for them to be in and stay warm with wood shavings on the bottom. Sometimes it really does come in handy to have all the junk lying around here :p I still look forward to getting most of it gone. As usual, we have plans to get it all cleaned up, but we also have to build a few things... Priorities, priorities.

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